A Effects of Democratic and Autocratic Behavior Types of Dance Art Instructors in Elementary on Class Satisfaction : Focused on Mediations of Flow and Perceived Competence

초등무용교육에서의 민주적, 권위적 행동유형이 수업만족도에 미치는 영향 : 몰입과 지각된 유능감의 이중매개효과를 중심으로

  • Received : 2016.03.15
  • Accepted : 2016.05.12
  • Published : 2016.06.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of democratic and autocratic behavior type of dance art instructors in elementary dance education on class satisfaction focused on mediations of flow and perceived competence. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed but insincerely replied or double-replied questionnaires were excluded and finally 453 questionnaires were analyzed for this study. For the analysis of the data, SPSS 18.0 version was used and double mediation model operating in serial, proposed by Hayes and a bootstrapping method were used. First, instructor's democratic behavior type was statistically positive effect on class satisfaction. However autocratic behavior type was statistically negative effect. Second, the indirect effect of instructor's democratic type and autocratic behavior type on class satisfaction through the flow were statistically positive significant. Third, the indirect effect of instructor's democratic behavior type on class satisfaction through the perceived competence was statistically significant. However autocratic behavior type was statistically negative effect. Lastly, the indirect effect of instructor's democratic and autocratic behavior types on class satisfaction through the flow and perceived competence were statistically positive significant.



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