Critical Barriers to the Practice of Effective Cost Planning in the Ghanaian Construction Industry

  • Kissi, Ernest (Dept. of Building Technology, College of Art and Built Environment, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Adjei-Kumi, Theophilus (Dept. of Building Technology, College of Art and Built Environment, KNUST) ;
  • Badu, Edward (Dept. of Building Technology, College of Art and Built Environment, KNUST)
  • Published : 2016.06.01


Cost planning practices in the construction industry worldwide has gained much popularity in recent times due to economic recession and stringent measures that various procurement laws prescribe in most developed and developing countries. Nevertheless, these practices in developing countries such as Ghana are constrained with the existence of critical barriers that render them non-effective and hence, accounting for the numerous abandonment of both private and public projects. Consequently, this study was enunciated with the aim to examine the critical barriers to the practice of effective cost planning in the Ghanaian construction industry. Through an in-depth literature review and a pilot survey, questionnaires were designed and administered to quantity surveyors. Data generated from the field survey was subjected to principal component analysis. The findings of the study revealed weak cost planning knowledge base, poor cost databases and understanding, inadequate designs and planning and external conditions are the major barriers to cost planning practices in the Ghanaian construction industry. The need for this study cannot be doubted since it provides an insight for experts in the construction industry on the barriers of the practice of cost planning in the industry. The awareness of these barriers will therefore facilitate efficient and effective efforts to resolve them. A future study is thereby proposed by this study to explore effective cost planning practices in the Ghanaian construction industry that will ensure private and public stakeholders get value for their money invested.



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