Arirang; elegant sound and deep sorrow, which are unique to Korean is revived on YouTube (

  • Ko, Kyung-Ja (Department of Pharmacology, College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University)
  • Received : 2016.01.25
  • Accepted : 2016.05.19
  • Published : 2016.05.31


The purpose of this article is to argue that Arirang, Korean traditional music, could be used for healing purposes for Koreans. Music may be a medicine for curing both the body and mind. That is the soul of folksong. Arirang is a representative folksong in Korea. Koreans thought that listening to Korean traditional songs and singing them have healing powers because it makes people happier. When Koreans listen to Arirang, slowly as if they are mass hypnotized, Koreans calmed down because they think of mother's bosom while listening to Arirang. Also, Koreans find comfort in listening and singing to Arirang. The song's tune is catchy and its lyrics are moving. The song of Arirang was sung from long ago by Koreans. Therefore, it will continue forever as long as Koreans exist.


What is Arirang?

Plato, a philosopher in ancient Greece, said “music provides spirit to the universe, wings to the mind, flying to the imagination, and captivating power and merriment to life and to everything. In 2010, Hodges and in 2012, Kreutz and colleagues noted “Music is found in many fields of physiological effects on the human body including, changes in heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, skin conductivity, skin temperature, muscle tension, and biochemical response (Altenmüller and Schlaug, 2015). In this sense, music is a medicine to cure both body and mind. That is soul of folksong. In 1982, Chõng Chaeho noted that folksongs are distinct from popular poems and drawing-room lyrics which are too complex and technically sophisticated for common people to sing (Howard, 1999). The folksong is none other than an Arirang in Korea. Arirang is a representative folksong in Korea. Arirang is a song that expresses "all Korean people's feelings from delight and indignation to lament and blessedness," as American missionary Homer Hulbert once put it in 1896. Also, he said “Ariang is a rice to Koreans. Koreans eat rice as a staple food. The origin of the song Arirang has been handed down from the remote past. An archetype of Arirang is Jeongseon Arirang, which has been sung for more than 600 years ( Arirang has distinctive characteristics of each regional Arirang variation. It has a various form from a sad melody to a cheerful tone.


The characteristics of Arirang

An art of two lines, music in triple time, and reflection of social phenomenon are the three characteristics of Arirang. First, Arirang makes two lines. It consists of an antithesis ad contradiction. Through contradiction and antithesis, Arirang can express a variety of feelings. Arirang’s popularity is due to its funny lyrics and catchy melodies. Even though many people may sing the same Arirang, sometimes, the words, melody, or rhythm vary from person to person. Two, Arirang is a piece of music in triple time. So, when we start singing and try to breathe deeply and slowly, Arirang has a feeling a plaintive piece. But, when we start singing a cheerful rhythm, it has more joyful sounds. In 2009, Professor Lee Chung-Myun noted in ‘Song of Arirang’ that Lee Geun- bae, poet, clearly and simply states the origin and term of Arirang as follows: The song of Arirang was sung from long ago by the Korean people and it will continue forever as long as the Korean people exist. Three, Arirang lively shows various social phenomenon of that time. One example is comfort women, who were forced into sexual slavery for Japanese troops in Japanese colonial era. They sang Arirang to forget their miserable situation (see, YouTube in this article title). Arirang was registered in UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2012. Arirang played an important role in promoting cultural variety and in combination, identity of the Korean people and integration the community as it was continuously remade in a various social situation." This means the world perceived the cultural worth and seriousness of the traditional Korean folksong at long last. Through the film “Arirang”, which was filmed in 1926 by Na Un-gyu, fixed anti-Japanese. Singing Arirang together made the 2002 World Cup more special and fun, as Koreans feel cathartic singing Arirang. Needless to say, this word catharsis means a release of emotions. In 2015, ‘a run of telling them I can’t go to the underworld’ employed melody of Arirang. It contains the hope of a people who want to change their fortune after suffering a series of misfortunes: a prolonged recession and aged society. We want to do so many things before I die. So, we don’t want to leave this world hopelessly.



In 1984, Lucanne noted that songs in music therapy thus form close relationships between human beings and life. An essential means of folksong traditions is the changeable of songs, caused by the process of oral transmission. The capabilities of such human abilities as sensation, memory, fulfillment and creativity play a significant role in the transmission of songs in this process (Wiering, et al., 2009). In 2009, Ciril and colleagues noted each outcome of a folk song may be original and expositions of the same song represent song diverse. Music has a lot of aims. Its multidimensional nature moves the individual's physical, psychological and mental levels of awareness (Lou, 2001). In 2003, Russell Bachorowski and Fernandez-Dols noted that in particular, pitch modulation shows to transmit information about the relative sensible engagement, or enhancement, of a speaker (Puts, 2006). In 1957, Craker, in 1964, Wilson, in 1968, Gaston and in 1989, Haines noted music therapy can aid to build relationships and provide successful experiences that make better pride. Koreans thought listening and singing our favorite songs has healing powers because it makes our happier. The moment Koreans listened to Arirang, slowly as if mass hypnotized, Koreans calmed down because they think of mother’s bosom while listening to Arirang. Also, Koreans find comfort in listening and singing to Arirang. The song's tune is catchy and its lyrics are moving. And although the lyrics are different, the vocal melodies are nearly the same.



What is for sure is that Koreans from all periods of time enjoyed expressing their minds through Arirang. Arirang gives us a rare opportunity to witness the secret intensity of life. Also, Arirang teaches us ‘live to the point of tears.’ Therefore, Arirnag could have healing impact on Koreans as music therapy.




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