Recommendations for Revising the Arbitration Act of Korea regarding Interim Measures by the Arbitral Tribunal to Promote Commercial Arbitration in South Korea

상사중재 활성화를 위한 중재판정부의 임시적 처분 제도의 개선 - 2016년 개정 중재법을 중심으로-

  • Received : 2016.05.02
  • Accepted : 2016.05.31
  • Published : 2016.06.01


Arbitration is a consensual process in which a dispute is resolved by an impartial arbitrator outside the courts. Arbitration is flexible, neutral, time- and cost-efficient, and confidential. In 1985, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law(UNCITRAL) enacted the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration to help countries reform and modernize their arbitration laws. In 1999, South Korea adopted the model law. Later in 2006, UNCITRAL amended the model law to promote international arbitration. The amended model law includes, among other things, specific provisions regarding interim measures. In 2016, in order to adopt the newly amended version of the model law, South Korea revised its Arbitration Act. The revised act includes a more comprehensive legal regime regarding interim measures, including definitions, types, processes, requirements, the court's recognition and enforcement, and liability. This paper examines the revision of the Arbitration Act of Korea and its legislative intent, presents the problems, and offers recommendations for resolving the problems.



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Cited by

  1. Interim Measures in Arbitration and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Korea and China vol.26, pp.3, 2016,
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