일제강점기 임상한의서 『제세보감』 연구 - 『방약합편』과의 비교를 중심으로 -

A Study on Clinical Korean Medicine Book 『JeSeBoGam』 during the Period of Japanese Occupation - with Focus on the Comparison with 『BangYakHapPyeon』 -

  • 투고 : 2016.11.07
  • 심사 : 2016.11.30
  • 발행 : 2016.11.30


"JeSeBoGam (濟世寶鑑)" was a medical document authored by Moon Gi-hong during the Japanese colonial rule in 1933, and the author acted as a Korean medicine doctor, an acupuncturist, a medicine practitioner and an apothecary. Since its first publication in 1933, it has been published three times in 1966 and 1975, from the Japanese colonial period to the liberation period. "JeSeBoGam" is largely divided into Preface part, "List of drugs according to symptoms [隨症用藥目錄]", "JeSeBoGam-Gap (濟世寶鑑甲)", and the Appendix includes "Key points for diagnosing the disease [察病要訣]" "Key points of acupuncture and pulse [脈訣]" "Key points of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment [針灸訣]" in the back of the book. In 1933, there are attached exam books and license application forms related to Korean medicine doctor and pharmacist, so strict regulations on them during the Japanese occupation period can be confirmed. "JeSeBoGam-Gap" contains 208 prescriptions from 143 prescriptions taken from "BangYakHapPyeon" and 65 prescriptions from other books. It divided into Gap (甲) Eul (乙) Byung (丙) Jung (丁). These prescriptions were placed in "List of drugs according to symptoms [隨症用藥目錄]" according to a symptom 1,286 times. Considerable parts of organization and prescription drug composition of "JeSeBoGam" are closely related with "BangYakHapPyeon", but there were adjustments in all medicinal ingredients and capacity for the rest of them except 23 prescription drugs. Compared to "BangYakHapPyeon", there was a tendency to substitute the basic prescription in "JeSeBoGam" for prescriptions used for the same disease. Though only 65 prescriptions were taken from books other than "BangYakHapPyeon", 575 times were reflected in "List of drugs according to symptoms [隨症用藥目錄]", and the rate of utilization is high compared with the number of prescriptions of "BangYakHapPyeon". It is thought that the circumstances of the Japanese occupation period, limits in medicinal ingredients composition due to regional characteristics, and changes in a patient's condition and the treatment method might have an influence on the author's drug use tendency. "JeSeBoGam" is similar to "BangYakHapPyeon" in composition, but it is a new practical medical book in which the author's clinical records are concentrated.



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피인용 문헌

  1. 영월군 가전(家傳) 『찰병요결(察病要訣)』에 대한 연구 vol.31, pp.2, 2016,
  2. 일제강점기 달성의생 전석희의 진료기록 연구 vol.32, pp.2, 2016,