전송선로를 이용한 플라즈마 전력 전달 연구

Research on Transmission Line Design for Efficient RF Power Delivery to Plasma

  • Park, In Yong (Department of Physics, Chungnam national university) ;
  • Lee, Jang Jae (Department of Physics, Chungnam national university) ;
  • Kim, Si-Jun (Department of Physics, Chungnam national university) ;
  • Lee, Ba Da (Department of Physics, Chungnam national university) ;
  • Kim, Kwang Ki (Department of Physics, Chungnam national university) ;
  • Yeom, Hee Jung (Department of Physics, Chungnam national university) ;
  • You, Shin Jae (Department of Physics, Chungnam national university)
  • 투고 : 2016.05.12
  • 심사 : 2016.06.10
  • 발행 : 2016.06.30


In RF plasma processing, when the plasma is generated, there is the difference of impedance between RF generator and plasma source. Its difference is normally reduced by using the matcher and the RF power is transferred efficiently from the power generator to the plasma source. The generated plasma has source impedance that it can be changed during processing by pressure, frequency, density and so on. If the range of source impedance excesses the matching range of the matcher, it cannot match all value of the impedance. In this research, we studied the elevation mechanism of the RF power delivery efficiency between RF generator to the plasma source by using the transmission line and impedance tuning of the plasma source. We focus on two plasma sources (capacitive coupled plasma (CCP), inductive coupled plasma (ICP)) which is most widely used in industry recently.



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