학교 캠퍼스를 활용한 창의적 체험활동 운영방안 연구

The Study of Investigating the Way Applying a School Garden for the Creative Experience Activity

  • 문병찬 (광주교육대학교) ;
  • 김용택 (광주교육대학교 목포부설초등학교) ;
  • 임형선 (광주교육대학교 목포부설초등학교)
  • 투고 : 2016.03.29
  • 심사 : 2016.04.21
  • 발행 : 2016.04.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the way applying a school garden for the creative experience activity on the school learning program. For this study, the 27s elementary students who were the 5th and 6th grades participated in this program. And the 10units lessons programs what were consisted with the inquiry, debating, and cooperating activities were developed, and applying to classroom and school garden. The key concepts of developing program were 'rocks which were in the school garden'. he results are follows, for the creative experience activity on the school teaching/learning program, the school garden has useful value as teaching/learning field. The teaching/learning activity applying the school garden makes an offer the awareness to students that the knowledges learned in school were actually relative with their life. Also, the students are affirmatively participate to learning, debate, and cooperate activities because the school garden is very familiar environment to them. Lastly, the students are interesting in learning classes because they think that the school garden environments will reform actually to new shape of their ideas. After this learning were finishing, most of students indicated their intention with satisfaction. Some of them suggested applying the additional program using the school garden. Consequently, the school garden has the very useful value for applying program of the teaching/learning in elementary school education.



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