무역정보의 품질제고방안에 관한 연구

A Study on the Way for Quality Improvement of International Trade Information

  • 안병수 (서울디지털대학교 무역물류학과)
  • 투고 : 2016.01.31
  • 심사 : 2016.02.19
  • 발행 : 2016.02.29


Recently open data has been spread rapidly in the world include Korea. Accordingly in international trade field open data and using it became a key point to get competitiveness. In this study, the author make an attempt to suggest the way for quality improvement of international trade information by looking for some problems with crating and using the information. Thus, the problems of using information are can be point out as follows. Firstly the range of open data is narrow. Secondly the management of the open data is not conducted properly. Thirdly the suppliers of the open data didn't prepare some investigation system for their data's usability for user. Expansion of the organizations who open data is one way to solve quantitative problem. There are four suggestions to solve qualitative problems. Firstly the guidelines should be established and operated in each organizations respectively. Secondly the criterion of expenses for open data should be arranged among the concerned parties. Thirdly the ability of the manpower and organization who charged in the quality improvement of information should be reinforced both quantitatively and qualitatively. Lastly the system for data usability for user should be equipped in early stages. Finally the author emphasize the establishment of total management system for using open data in international trade is not needed only the efforts of the specific parties but also all parties led by Ministry of Industry, Trade and Energy in order to carry out above suggestions successfully.



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