
Viewing the Social Thought of Chinese People in Ming Dynasty Via Piaohailu

  • 투고 : 2015.12.17
  • 심사 : 2015.12.31
  • 발행 : 2016.01.31


Nowadays Chinese society advocates a kind of principal thinking, which Chinese call it "harmony". The entire Chinese society is trying to build a so-called "harmonious society", that is, people live in harmony with the natural environment and carry out sustainable development; people live in harmony with others and build harmonious social relationships; people live in harmony with themselves and cultivate self-morality and enhance national self-quality. It can be seen that the word "harmony" runs through this thinking all the time. This paper aims at viewing Chinese people's philosophy in Ming Dynasty from the Piaohailu. Likewise, the starting points of the paper are also these three aspects which are people's relationships with nature, others and themselves. Based on this angle, it tries to conduct a simple analysis and study by taking Korean official Cui Pu's Piaohailu as the main historical data.



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