Advanced Cryo-Electron Microscopy Technology: High Resolution Structure of Macromolecules

  • Chung, Jeong Min (Department of Biochemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Jung, Hyun Suk (Department of Biochemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Kangwon National University)
  • 투고 : 2015.03.07
  • 심사 : 2016.03.18
  • 발행 : 2016.03.30


Recent cryo-electron microscopy (EM) studies reported the structure of various types of proteins at high resolution which is sufficient to visualize the intermolecular interaction at near atomic level. There are two main factors that cause the advances in cryo-EM; the development of image processing techniques, such as single particle analysis, and the improved electron detection devices. Although the atomic structures of small and asymmetric proteins are not yet to be determined by cryo-EM, this striking improvement implies the bright prospect of the application in biomedical studies. This study reviews the recently published studies reported high resolution structures using improved imaging analysis techniques and electron detectors. Furthermore, we will discuss about the future aspects of cryo-EM application.



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