외국인환자 의료분쟁 해결을 통한 국제진료 활성화방안

A Study on Strategy for Global Health Care through the Resolution of Medical Disputes with Foreign Patients

  • 투고 : 2016.02.16
  • 심사 : 2016.02.24
  • 발행 : 2016.03.02


Activation Plan for International Health Care through the Resolution of Medical Disputes with Foreign Patients. The field of international health care is currently being expanded and developed into the new industrial field of medical tourism through the convergence of medicine - a public sector - and tourism - a private sector. This study examines problems with medical law regarding the prevention of medical disputes that may occur when attracting foreign patients and the resolution of these disputes. It also introduces the current most ideal resolution plan for medical disputes. Advanced measures for the prevention of medical disputes with foreign patients are as follows: First, when conducting international health care, the obligation to explain a medical treatment should be applied at higher standards for foreign patients. Second, all medical treatment procedures, including appointments, treatments, discharge, post-operation consultations, and follow-up treatments of foreign patients should be charted and recorded. A checklist regarding precautions for each procedure along with a response manual for problems should also be established. These regulations can prevent unexpected conflicts in advance when medical disputes occur. If a medical dispute with a foreign patient occurs despite thorough advance prevention, it can be resolved through reconciliation, mediation, and arbitration. The government and the medical field along with its related industries and authorities should put their efforts into developing these priori/posteriori measures for the activation of international medical health care. The laws and technological/human capabilities in medicine should also be improved in order to activate international medical health care.



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