A Study on Protection of Visual Information Design by Arbitration

중재제도를 활용한 시각정보디자인 보호에 관한 연구

  • 김성룡 (경북대학교 경상대학) ;
  • 김인경 (연세대학교 대학원 생활디자인학과)
  • Received : 2016.02.01
  • Accepted : 2016.02.17
  • Published : 2016.03.02


The importance of design is emphasized in many industries. It began to earn recognition as part of industry rather than the arts. In particular, utilization of visual information design including moving images, packaging, advertisement, publication, editorial and visual information processing is higher than others in the design field. However, disputes relating to intellectual property rights have been also increasing as it became known. Therefore, now is the time to consider and establish an effective dispute settlement system for the design industry. In this view, arbitration will be a suitable method for dispute settlement in visual information design because of characteristics such as confidentiality, professionalism, efficiency, economy and flexibility. However, Arbitration system is not well known to the people who work in this industry. Thus, in order to aggressively advertise the arbitration system, an arbitration institution has to appoint design experts as new arbitrators for domestic and international arbitration. Next, an arbitration institution needs to prepare the new and expediting rules with design field characterization. Finally, it has to plan to cooperate with all of the institutions and schools concerned.



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