맞벌이가정 아버지의 근로시간특성과 가족친화제도가 자녀양육참여에 미치는 영향

Effects of Fathers' Paid Work Time and Jobs' Family-Friendly Policies on Parenting Participation in Dual-Earner Families

  • 투고 : 2016.09.01
  • 심사 : 2016.11.25
  • 발행 : 2016.11.30


Fathers are increasingly expected to participate in parenting due to the higher participation of women in economic activities, the growing awareness of gender equality, and the greater emphasis on the role of fathers. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of paid work time and jobs' family-friendly policies on parenting participation in dual-earner families. Questionnaires were distributed to 577 fathers of dual earner families through a child care center in the Gyeongsangbukdo Province, and the results were analyzed using SPSS 18.0 for Windows. The statistical methods employed included mean, standard deviation, the Pearson correlation analysis, and a multiple regression analysis. The main results are as follows. First, the fathers of dual-earner families showed an above average level of participation in parenting (3.26). By category, they were less involved (2.89) in household chores, and more active in daily guidance and leisure activities (3.48). Second, the most significant variable affecting fathers' parenting participation was having a regular office-closing time. Fathers who were younger, had a higher level of education, had a regular office-closing time, had more vacation leave, and whose companies implemented family-friendly policies were more likely to participate more actively in parenting. Third, the key factors influencing fathers' parenting participation by sub-category were found to be having a regular office-closing time and jobs with family-friendly policies. Fathers with a greater awareness of gender equality were more inclined to participate in household chores, while those who were younger and more educated actively participated in daily guidance and leisure activities.



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