An Analysis of Multimedia Materials in E-works (E-book) of Elementary Science Textbook

초등과학교과서 전자저작물에 탑재된 멀티미디어 자료 분석

  • Received : 2016.01.11
  • Accepted : 2016.01.27
  • Published : 2016.02.29


The purpose of this paper was to analyze the kinds and roles of multimedia materials in E-works that are distributed with elementary textbooks (3~6 grade) of the 2009 revised science curriculum. Five criteria (forms, goals, key competencies, inquiry process, running time) were set for this. The sample of the paper was the 784 multimedia materials in E-works of elementary science textbooks (3~6 grade) of the 2009 revised science curriculum. The results of the multimedia materials analysis are as follows: The result of the material forms of multimedia is that the form of highest ratio is text type. But all forms were used evenly in E-work. 56.2% of the multimedia materials are for "inquiry" in the goal criteria, and 65.0% of the multimedia materials are related to "science inquiry" in the key competencies criteria. Two facts indicate many multimedia is used to develop students' inquiry ability. However the ratio of multimedia materials in motivation step is higher than that in inquiry activity step. In analysis of running time, the ratio of "under 5 min" multimedia materials is the highest. But, the ratio of 5~10 min multimedia materials in inquiry part is higher than that in motivation part in The Chi-square test between "running time" and "parts" that consist of motivation part and inquiry part. Through the analysis of module and the categorizing the multimedia materials, we found that the multimedia materials play eleven roles in E-works that are distributed with elementary textbooks.



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  1. 과학과 미디어 기반 학습 관련 문헌 연구 vol.37, pp.3, 2016,