Minireview on Nuclear Spin Polarization in Optically-Pumped Diamond Nitrogen Vacancy Centers

  • 투고 : 2016.10.11
  • 심사 : 2016.12.12
  • 발행 : 2016.12.20


Nitrogen vacancy-centered diamond has recently emerged as a promising material for various applications due to its special optical and magnetic properties. In particular, its applications as a fluorescent biomarker with small toxicity, magnetic field and electric field sensors have been a topic of great interest. Recent review (R. Schirhagl et al 2014) introduced those applications using single NV-center in nanodiamond. In this minireview, I introduce the rapidly emerging DNP (Dynamic Nuclear Polarization) field using optically-pumped NV center in diamonds. Additionally, the possibility of exploiting the optically-pumped NV center for polarization transfer source, which will produce a profound impact on room temperature DNP, will be discussed.



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