녹색밀 생산을 위한 수확시기 및 품종별 특성 비교

Comparison of the Characteristics of Wheat Cultivars Used for Whole Green Wheat Grain Production

  • Choi, Kyu-Hwan (Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Chang, Young-Jik (Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Song, Young-Eun (Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Seo, Sang-Young (Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Kang, Chan-Ho (Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Yoo, Young-Jin (Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Lee, Ki-Kwon (Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Song, Young-Ju (Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Kim, Chung-Kon (Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Cho, Jin-Woong (College of Agricultural & Life Sciences, Chungnam Univ.)
  • 투고 : 2016.10.10
  • 심사 : 2016.11.15
  • 발행 : 2016.12.31


기능성 식품소재로 관심이 높아지는 녹색밀의 안정적인 생산의 기초자료로 활용하고자 출수 후 20일부터 3일간격으로 41일째까지의 알곡 녹색도와 수량을 조사하였고, 적중밀 등 20품종의 녹색밀 수량을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 출수 후 20일에는 녹색이 가장 진하였으나 알곡이 주름이 많은 장타원형이었고, 35일 이후에는 대부분의 알곡이 황색으로 변하면서 비대해지는 모습을 보였다. 적색도(a값)는 출수 후 20일째부터 41일째까지 증가하였고, 32일째까지 음(-)의 값을 나타내었다. 엽록소의 함량도 성숙이 진행됨에 따라 유의하게 감소하였다. 녹색밀의 적정한 수확시기는 녹색 및 녹황색을 띠는 알곡이 가장 많았던 출수 후 32일~35일이 녹색밀 수확에 가장 적합한 시기로 판단된다. 2. 출수기는 조품밀, 적중밀, 조경밀, 금강밀, 백중밀, 조은밀이 가장 빨랐고, 반면에 연백밀, 은파밀, 올밀, 신미찰밀, 우리밀, 신미찰1호, 그루밀, 알찬밀, 다홍밀 등이 늦게 출수하여 품종간에 7일의 조만성을 보였다. 3. 품종에 따른 녹색도는 적중밀, 금강밀, 조경밀, 조품밀, 백중밀 등이 높았고, 녹색밀의 수량은 녹황색립의 비율이 높았던 알찬밀, 백중밀, 은파밀, 연백밀, 다홍밀, 우리밀 등이 높았다.

Recently, an interest has developed in the use of whole green grains as functional food materials. The present study was conducted to provide the baseline data for the stable production of whole green grains in 20 cultivars of wheat by investigating the greenness of grain with maturation (from $20^{th}$ to $41^{st}$ day after heading, at an interval of 3 days). On the $20^{th}$ day after heading, the grains were dark green with a wrinkled long-oval shape. After the $35^{th}$ day of heading, the grains turned almost yellow with an oval shape. Their redness ('a' value of chromaticity) increased from the $20^{th}$ to $41^{st}$ days after heading, indicating a negative value up to the $32^{nd}$ day after heading. A significant decrease in their chlorophyll content was observed with maturation. The yield of whole green wheat grain (including greenish yellow grain) was the highest from the $32^{nd}$ to $35^{th}$ after heading. Therefore, we concluded that the optimal harvesting period for whole green wheat grain was from the $32^{nd}$ to $35^{th}$ day after heading. The heading time of various cultivars ranged from April 28 to May 5, the time of Jopummil cultivar grew the fastest among them, such as Gurumil, Alchanmil, but Dahongmil got the latest in heading time. The greenness of seven cultivars (Jeokjungmil, Keumkangmil, Jogyeongmil, Jopummil, Baekjungmil, Yeonbaekmil, and Milseongmil) was relatively higher than that of the others. The yield of greenish whole grain was relatively high in six cultivars (Alchanmil, Baekjungmil, Eunpamil, Yeonbaekmil, Dahongmil, and Urimil). Based on their greenness and yield, the Baekjungmil and Yeonbaekmil cultivars have been considered to be optimal for the production of whole green wheat grain.



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