Six preservice teachers who participated in the "2016 service of summer vacation daycare programs by university and college students" focused on the programs for the formation of art, music and physical education and recreation culture were selected as research participants. The meaning of the experience they had through the service process was qualitatively analyzed. The subjects accepted the purpose of the self-directed service in which they should themselves solve a series of the entire process, from planning a volunteer program through drawing up the budget and purchasing materials to practice, evaluation and expressed the intention of participation. A volunteer program was conducted including visiting a daycare program for lower graders of elementary school (1st and 2nd grades) with more than 40 class hours during vacation. As research materials, research participants' journals, transcripts of individual interviews and group interviews, transcripts of phone calls, e-mail messages, and self-evaluation records of each class hour were collected. To increase the reliability and validity of the study, triangulation, member check, advice and review of the experts were conducted. In the study results, the volunteering experience-related significance for the preservice teachers who participated in the self-directed service were broadly categorized into 'Becoming a capable professional teacher', that consists of 'Increasing the power of thinking', 'Realizing the importance of communication', 'Doing together itself is important' and 'Ability to apply information and resources is needed'. 'Increase the continuity between preschool and elementary education' was subdivided into 'Get to know the necessity of the continuity between preschool and elementary education' and 'Want to learn the continuity between preschool and elementary education.'
본 논문은 예체능 및 놀이문화 형성 프로그램 중심의 '2016 여름방학 대학생 돌봄교실 봉사'에 참여한 예비유아교사를 연구 참여자로 선정하여, 이들이 봉사과정을 통해 겪은 경험의 의미를 질적으로 분석하고자 하였다. 연구 참여자들은 예비유아교사 6명으로 이들은 봉사프로그램의 계획, 예산편성, 재료구입, 실천, 평가까지 일련의 모든 과정을 스스로 해결해야하는 자기 주도적 봉사의 취지를 수용하고 참의의사를 밝힌 상황에서, 방학 중 40시간 이상 초등학교 저학년(1~2학년) 돌봄교실을 방문하여 봉사프로그램을 실시하였다. 연구자료로는 연구참여자저널, 개인면담 및 단체면담 전사본, 전화통화 전사본, 메일, 차수별 자체평가 기록지 등을 활용하였으며, 연구의 신뢰성과 타당성을 높이기 위해 삼각측정, 구성원검토작업, 전문가의 조언과 검토 등이 이루어졌다. 연구결과, 자기 주도적 봉사에 참여한 예비유아교사들의 봉사경험관련 의미는 '생각하는 힘이 자라요', '소통의 중요성을 깨달아가요', '함께 하는 자체가 중요해요', '자원 정보 활용능력이 필요해요' 등으로 이루어진 '역량을 갖춘 전문적인 교사 되어가기'와 '유초연계교육의 필요성을 알아가요', '유초연계교육에 대해 배우고 싶어요' 등으로 세분화된 '유초연계교육에 대한 안목 키워가기'로 크게 범주화되었다.