This study examined the influent of a sulfur denitrification reactor using nitrified effluent from a batch type reactor. The denitrification efficiency was compared according to the injection type. The nitrogen removal effects were compared with the changes in the EBCT and nitrogen concentration of the influent to determine the optimal operation conditions with the selected injection type. A denitrification efficiency evaluation of a reactor according to the change in injection type and up-flow was performed using a lower organic concentration of the effluent than the down-flow because of the re-precipitation of desorbed microbes and spilled solids. In the up-flow type, organics were controlled by the low concentration than the down-flow type because of solid re-precipitation. The T-N removal efficiency of the up-flow type was 73.3~90.2%, which was more that 10% higher that down-flow type. This means that the up-flow type has a great advantage in removing T-N and organics. The T-N removal efficiency by EBCT at 1hr was 47.3%, and was 88.1% and 90.5% by EBCT 3hr and 5hr, respectively. Therefore, the optimal operation conditions to remove nitrogen was considered to be EBCT for 3hr. After careful consideration of rule of law and T-N removal effects, the T-N load factor in the reactor should remain below $0.443kgT-N/m^3{\cdot}day$ to maintain the legal total nitrogen concentration for discharge, which is 20mg/L.
황 탈질조 유입수질은 회분식 실험을 통한 질산화된 유출수를 사용하였으며, 유입수 주입방향에 따라 상향류와 하향류식으로 운전하여 주입방식에 따른 탈질효율 성능을 평가하였다. 또한, 탈질효율 평가에 따라 선정된 주입방식의 최적 운전조건을 산출하기 위해 EBCT(Empty bed contact time) 변화와 유입 질소농도를 증가시켜 유입부하 증가에 따른 질소 제거효율을 평가하였다. 유입방식 변화에 따른 황 탈질조의 탈질효율 평가결과, 상향류 방식이 탈리된 미생물과 유출 고형물의 재침전으로 인하여 하향류 방식보다 유출 유기물 농도가 낮은 것으로 조사되었다. 또한, 상향류 방식에서 T-N 제거 효율은 73.3~90.2%로 하향류 방식보다 약 10.0% 이상 높은 것으로 조사되어 질소제거 측면에서도 상향류 방식이 유리한 것으로 판단된다. EBCT 변화에 따른 질소제거 효율 검토결과, 1hr에서는 47.4%, 3hr에서는 88.1%, 5hr에서는 90.5%로 조사되어, 황 탈질 공정의 최적 EBCT는 3hr로 판단된다. 법 규정과 부하율에 따른 총질소 제거효율을 검토한 결과, T-N 법적 방류수질 20mg/L를 을 안정적으로 유지하기 위해서는 황 탈질조의 유입 T-N 부하율은 $0.443kgT-N/m^3{\cdot}day$ 이하로 유지하여야 한다.