A Constraint on Lexical Transfer: Implications for Computer-Assisted Translation(CAT)

  • Received : 2016.11.01
  • Accepted : 2016.11.26
  • Published : 2016.11.30


The central goal of the current paper is to investigate lexical transfer between Korean and English and to identify rule-governed behavior and to provide implications for development of computer-assisted translation(CAT) software for the two languages. It will be shown that Sankoff and Poplack's Free Morpheme Constraint can not account for all the range of data. A constraint is proposed that a set of case-assigners such as verbs, INFL, prepositions, and the possessive marker may not undergo lexical transfer. The translation software is also expected to be equipped with the proposed claim that English verbs are actually borrowed as nouns or as defective verbs to escape from the direct attachment of inflectional morphemes.



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  1. Practice and research of computer-aided medical translation based on big data vol.2004, pp.1, 2021,