• Han, Yingbo (College of Mathematics and Information Science Xinyang Normal University)
  • 투고 : 2015.10.22
  • 발행 : 2016.11.30


In this paper, we investigate exponentially biharmonic maps u : (M, g) ${\rightarrow}$ (N, h) from a Riemannian manifold into a Riemannian manifold with non-positive sectional curvature. We obtain that if $\int_{M}e^{\frac{p{\mid}r(u){\mid}^2}{2}{\mid}{\tau}(u){\mid}^pdv_g$ < ${\infty}$ ($p{\geq}2$), $\int_{M}{\mid}{\tau}(u){\mid}^2dv_g$ < ${\infty}$ and $\int_{M}{\mid}d(u){\mid}^2dv_g$ < ${\infty}$, then u is harmonic. When u is an isometric immersion, we get that if $\int_{M}e^{\frac{pm^2{\mid}H{\mid}^2}{2}}{\mid}H{\mid}^qdv_g$ < ${\infty}$ for 2 ${\leq}$ p < ${\infty}$ and 0 < q ${\leq}$ p < ${\infty}$, then u is minimal. We also obtain that any weakly convex exponentially biharmonic hypersurface in space form N(c) with $c{\leq}0$ is minimal. These results give affirmative partial answer to conjecture 3 (generalized Chen's conjecture for exponentially biharmonic submanifolds).



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