Risk Assessment for Abolition of Gross Containment Leak Monitoring System Test in CANDU Design Plant

중수로 원자로건물 총누설감시계통 시험 중지에 따른 리스크 영향 평가

  • Received : 2015.03.11
  • Accepted : 2015.10.05
  • Published : 2015.10.31


Wolsong Unit 2,3&4 has been performing a containment integrity test during power operation. This test could impact to the safe operation during test. If an accident occurs during pressure dropping phase, reactor trip can be delayed because of the increased pressure difference which causes a time delay to reach the trip set-point. On the contrary, if an accident occurs during pressure increasing phase, reactor trip could be accelerated because the pressure difference to the trip set-point decrease. Point Lepreau nuclear power plant, which installed GCLMS (Gross Containment Leakage Monitoring System) in 1990, has discontinued the test since 1992 due to these adverse effects. Therefore, we evaluated the risk to obviate the GCLMS test based on PWR's ILRT (Integrated Leak Rate Test) extension methodologies. The results demonstrate that risk increase rate is not high in case of performing only ILRT test at every 5 years instead of doing GCLMS test at every 1.5 years. In addition, the result shows that GCLMS test can be removed on a risk-informed perspective since risk increasement is in acceptable area of regulatory acceptance criteria.



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