양친, 한부, 한모가족 청소년의 적응과 가족환경특성 비교

A Comparison of Adjustment and Family Environment of Adolescents from Different Family Structures

  • Lee, Meery (Department of Youth Guidance and Sport Education, Korea National Sport University) ;
  • Park, Ju Hee (Department of Child and Family Studies, Yonsei University) ;
  • Chung, Hyunsook (Department of Family Welfare, Sangmyung University)
  • 투고 : 2015.03.02
  • 심사 : 2015.08.13
  • 발행 : 2015.08.31


This study analyzed the differences in adjustment and family environments of adolescents from three different family structures, using the KCYPS panel 4th wave data from first graders in middle schools. The participants of the study consisted of 1,715 adolescents in two-parent families, 79 adolescents in single-father families, and 113 adolescents in single-mother families. The data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and ANCOVAs. The findings of this study indicated that adolescents in two-parent families showed a lower level of physical symptoms than those in single-mother families and a lower level of participation in classwork than those in single-father families whereas adolescents in single-father families were more likely to be involved in delinquency than those from the other two family structures. In addition, significant differences were found in family environments including parents' physical health and life satisfaction, family economic status, parenting behaviors, and parents' absence at home after school. Parents in single-mother and single-father families were less healthy physically, showed lower levels of life satisfaction, reported less income, and spent less money for their children, compared to those in two-parent families. With regard to parenting behaviors, single fathers tended to be less warm toward and neglected their children more than single mothers and parents in two-parent families. Adolescents in single-father families were most likely to be left alone at home after school, followed by those in single-mother and two-parent families. The results suggested that specific attention needs to be paid to adolescents from single-father families in order to support their adjustment.



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