스마트융합 환경 하의 정보통신공사업 역량강화를 위한 정책우선순위 연구

A Study of Priority of Policies for Strengthening Capability in the Information and Communication Work Business

  • 곽정호 (호서대학교 경영학부 글로벌창업학과) ;
  • 박상수 (한국정보통신산업연구원) ;
  • 김정연 (세이센국제학교)
  • 투고 : 2015.06.09
  • 심사 : 2015.09.14
  • 발행 : 2015.09.30


The information and communications construction business has the characteristics of an infrastructure industry and responsibility for the construction and maintenance of all ICT infrastructures. With the recent proliferation of the smart convergence of various industries based on ICT infrastructure, the role of the information and communications construction business has been highlighted to accommodate the convergence and implementation environment in construction and medical industries. Therefore, this paper seeks policy measures to establish the new role of the information and communications business under the rapidly developing smart convergence environment and the priorities of policy measures to strengthen the capability of the information and communications business using a quantitative model. The analysis result suggests that the difference in importance of each policy measure should be considered in order to execute effectively the policy of promoting the information and communications construction business. Given the constraint of limited budget, policy priorities include the development of new markets, and establishment of incentive for new technology. This study is significant for its theoretical contribution, being the first quantitative approach to policy priorities for the promotion of information and communications construction business under the smart convertgence environment.



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