만성 경부통을 가진 시내버스 운전기사에게 복합 운동프로그램의 효과 : 사례연구

The Effects of Combined Exercise Program to Intra-City Bus Driver With Chronic Neck Pain : Case Report

  • 안승원 (동국대학교 일산병원 물리치료실) ;
  • 정영준 (구미대학교 물리치료과)
  • Ahn, Seung-won (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Dongguk University International Hospital In Ilsan) ;
  • Jung, Young-june (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Gumi University)
  • 투고 : 2015.04.29
  • 심사 : 2015.05.25
  • 발행 : 2015.06.30


Background: Although many of those who drive for a living are exposed to repetitive and awkward posture and whole body vibration which cause them cumulative trauma disorder, therapeutic studies related to the problems from the transport unit are still somewhat inadequate. The purpose of this case report is to identify the effect of combined exercise program on patients suffering chronic neck pain caused by long hour of intra-city bus driving. Method: A total of 4 subjects are selected as patients, all of whom have more than 10 years of experience in intra-city bus transportation services. These people have suffered from neck pain for years. We ran the combined exercise program 3 times a week for 4 weeks and respectively evaluated the results after the 2nd and 4th week. We implemented conventional physiotherapy for 40 minutes, another 40 minutes of combined exercise program, and then educated the patients to enable themselves to do active stretching program as a home program. The combined exercise program contained 3 different stages. 1st stage: active stretching program, 2nd stage combined stabilization exercise and strengthening exercise, 3rd stage: proprioceptive exercise Result: After 4 weeks of intervention, there was enhance in the range of motion. $12^{\circ}$ increase in flexion, $10^{\circ}$ in extension, $6^{\circ}$ in lateral flexion respectively, and $10^{\circ}$ in rotation on average. VAS(visual analgue scale) decreased by 33% on average, NDI(neck diability index) by 28% and fatigability by 23%. Conclusion: There were improved results in the range of motion, NDI, VAS, and in fatigability after applying combined exercise program to intra-city bus drivers exposed to whole body vibration and cumulative trauma disorder.



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