Novel DOT1L ReceptorNatural Inhibitors Involved in Mixed Lineage Leukemia: a Virtual Screening, Molecular Docking and Dynamics Simulation Study

  • Raj, Utkarsh (Bioinformatics, Information Technology, Indian Institute of Information Technology) ;
  • Kumar, Himansu (Bioinformatics, Information Technology, Indian Institute of Information Technology) ;
  • Gupta, Saurabh (Bioinformatics, Information Technology, Indian Institute of Information Technology) ;
  • Varadwaj, Pritish Kumar (Bioinformatics, Information Technology, Indian Institute of Information Technology)
  • 발행 : 2015.05.18


Background: The human protein methyl-transferase DOT1L catalyzes the methylation of histone H3 on lysine 79 (H3K79) at homeobox genes and is also involved in a number of significant processes ranging from gene expression to DNA-damage response and cell cycle progression. Inhibition of DOT1L activity by shRNA or small-molecule inhibitors has been established to prevent proliferation of various MLL-rearranged leukemia cells in vitro, establishing DOT1L an attractive therapeutic target for mixed lineage leukemia (MLL). Most of the drugs currently in use for the MLL treatment are reported to have low efficacy, hence this study focused on various natural compounds which exhibit minimal toxic effects and high efficacy for the target receptor. Materials and Methods: Structures of human protein methyl-transferase DOT1L and natural compound databases were downloaded from various sources. Virtual screening, molecular docking, dynamics simulation and drug likeness studies were performed for those natural compounds to evaluate and analyze their anti-cancer activity. Results: The top five screened compounds possessing good binding affinity were identified as potential high affinity inhibitors against DOT1L's active site. The top ranking molecule amongst the screened ligands had a Glide g-score of -10.940 kcal/mol and Glide e-model score of -86.011 with 5 hydrogen bonds and 12 hydrophobic contacts. This ligand's behaviour also showed consistency during the simulation of protein-ligand complex for 20000 ps, which is indicative of its stability in the receptor pocket. Conclusions: The ligand obtained out of this screening study can be considered as a potential inhibitor for DOT1L and further can be treated as a lead for the drug designing pipeline.



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