The Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) is globally protected species and involved in a species restoration program by the Korea National Park Service. However, the bears could not be released into the wild were required regulation of population due to the limited space of breeding facility, so surgical castration was performed in two males. Bears were immobilized with a combination of 2 mg/kg tiletamine-zolazepam and $40{\mu}g/kg$ medetomidine, and general anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane via endotracheal tube intubation. Orchiectomy was carried out by the closed method using the LigaSure vessel sealing device through pre-scrotal incision. Subcutaneous tissues of the incision site were sutured by continuous pattern with absorbable suture material, and the skin incision was closed with tissue glue. The bears recovered uneventfully from general anesthesia after a duration of 58 min (bear A) and 53 min (bear B). Total surgical time was 26 min (bear A) and 24 min (bear B). No postoperative swelling or complications were observed. This is the first report that describes the use of the LigaSure for orchiectomy in the Asiatic black bear.
반달가슴곰 (Ursus thibetanus)은 국제적 멸종위기종으로, 국립공원관리공단에서 종복원 프로그램을 진행 중이다. 하지만 자연방사가 어려운 개체들은 제한된 사육 시설로 인해 곰 개체수 관리가 필요하여 수컷에서 고환절제술을 시행하였다. Tiletamine-zolazepam 2 mg/kg과 medetomidine $40{\mu}g/kg$ 합제를 이용하여 곰을 포획하고, 기관 삽관을 통해 isoflurane으로 전신마취를 유지하였다. 고환절제술은 전음낭 절개를 통해 closed method로 시행되었으며, LigaSure를 사용하여 정삭을 소락 절단였다. 절개면 피하조직은 흡수성 봉합사로 연속봉합 하였으며, 피부는 조직접착제로 봉합하였다. 별다른 부작용 없이 전신마취에서 회복되었으며, 총 마취 시간은 58분(곰 A)과 53분(곰 B)이었다. 수술시간은 26분(곰 A)과 24분(곰 B)이었으며, 술 후 부종이나 합병증은 관찰되지 않았다. 본 연구는 반달가슴곰에서 LigaSure를 이용한 최초의 고환절제술 증례이다.