Antifungal Activity of a Synthetic Cationic Peptide against the Plant Pathogens Colletotrichum graminicola and Three Fusarium Species

  • Johnson, Eric T. (Crop Bioprotection Research Unit, USDA Agricultural Research Service) ;
  • Evans, Kervin O. (Renewable Product Technology Research Unit, USDA Agricultural Research Service) ;
  • Dowd, Patrick F. (Crop Bioprotection Research Unit, USDA Agricultural Research Service)
  • 투고 : 2015.04.15
  • 심사 : 2015.05.30
  • 발행 : 2015.09.01


A small cationic peptide (JH8944) was tested for activity against a number of pathogens of agricultural crops. JH8944 inhibited conidium growth in most of the tested plant pathogens with a dose of $50{\mu}g/ml$, although one isolate of Fusarium oxysporum was inhibited at $5{\mu}g/ml$ of JH8944. Most conidia of Fusarium graminearum were killed within 6 hours of treatment with $50{\mu}g/ml$ of JH8944. Germinating F. graminearum conidia required $238{\mu}g/ml$ of JH8944 for 90% growth inhibition. The peptide did not cause any damage to tissues surrounding maize leaf punctures when tested at a higher concentration of $250{\mu}g/ml$ even after 3 days. Liposomes consisting of phosphatidylglycerol were susceptible to leakage after treatment with 25 and $50{\mu}g/ml$ of JH8944. These experiments suggest this peptide destroys fungal membrane integrity and could be utilized for control of crop fungal pathogens.



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