Correction of Mean and Extreme Temperature Simulation over South Korea Using a Trend-preserving Bias Correction Method

변동경향을 보존하는 편의보정기법을 이용한 우리나라의 평균 및 극한기온 모의결과 보정

  • Jung, Hyun-Chae (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Kongju National University) ;
  • Suh, Myoung-Seok (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Kongju National University)
  • Received : 2015.02.03
  • Accepted : 2015.03.10
  • Published : 2015.06.30


In this study, the simulation results of temperature by regional climate model (Reg- CM4) over South Korea were corrected by Hempel et al. (2013)'s method (Hempel method), and evaluated with the observation data of 50 stations from Korea Meteorological Administration. Among the 30 years (1981~2010) of simulation data, 20 years (1981~2000) of simulation data were used as a training data, and the remnant 10 years (2001~2010) data were used for the evaluation of correction. In general, the Hempel method and parametric quantile mapping show a reasonable correction both in mean and extreme climate of temperature. As the results, the systematic underestimation of mean temperature was greatly reduced after bias correction by Hempel method. And the overestimation of extreme climate, such as the number of TN5% and freezing day, was significantly recovered. In addition to that, the Hempel method better preserved the temporal trend of simulated temperature than other bias correction methods, such as the quantile mapping. However, the overcorrection of the extreme climate related to the upper quantile, such as TX5% and hot days, resulted in the exaggeration of the simulation errors. In general, the Hempel method can reduce the systematic biases embedded in the simulation results preserving the temporal trend but it tends to overcorrect the non-linear biases, in particular, extreme climate related to the upper percentile.



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