유아의 정서적 공감능력, 어머니의 공감능력 및 유아의 친사회적 행동 간의 관계

The Relationship between a Child's Affective Empathy, a Mother's Empathy, and the Child's Prosocial Behavior

  • 송승희 (경희대학교 아동가족학과) ;
  • 장경은 (경희대학교 아동가족학과)
  • 투고 : 2015.03.31
  • 심사 : 2015.06.02
  • 발행 : 2015.06.30


The purpose of this research is to understand the relationship between children's affective empathy, their mother's cognitive and affective empathy, and children's prosocial behavior; as well as to examine ways of enhancing children's prosocial behavior by analyzing the factors affecting its development. The results of this study may be summarized as follows. First, girls generally had higher levels of empathetic ability and pro-social behavior than boys. Secondly, there was not to be no significant correlation between the children's affective empathetic ability and the mothers' cognitive and affective empathetic abilities. However, there was a significant association between the affective empathy of the children and the mothers' cognitive empathetic abilities with the children's prosocial behavior. Thirdly, both the affective empathy of the children and the mothers' cognitive empathy predicted the level of the children's prosocial behavior.



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