『붉은 책』 -동서(東西)의 문제, 특히 노자(老子) 도덕경과 관련하여

The Red Book : the East and West Issues - With Special Reference to Lao Zi, Dao De Jing -

  • 투고 : 2015.03.17
  • 심사 : 2015.05.28
  • 발행 : 2015.06.25


2013년 대만 타이페이에서 열린 국제학술대회(주제 : 융, 아시아, 그리고 횡 문화성)에서 'The Red Book : East and West' 제하로 발표한 논문으로 C.G. 융의 '붉은 책'의 <논평> 가운데 나타난 노자도덕경의 사상과 유사한 부분을 들어서 노자도덕경의 해당되는 대목과 비교 고찰하였다. 또한 극동아시아(한.일) 문화의 나-너, 권위자 관계와 체험양식의 특징과 서구적 체험방식의 차이가 붉은 책에 기술된 융의 환상속의 자아의 태도(예 : 필레몬에 대한)에 어떻게 반영되었는지를 제시했다. 도덕경과의 비교에서는 '멸시받는 신' , '소박함' , '언어도단', '작은 것', '조롱', '선과 악', '비움', '미명(微明)'의 주제별로 살펴보았는데 상당한 사상적인 공통점을 발견하였다. 다만 '비움'(emptiness, das Leere만은 충일(fullness, das Volle)의 대자 격으로 사용하고 비움 본연의 노자적 의미와는 다르게 쓰고 있음을 발견했다. 「붉은 책」 <논평>에서의 융과 노자의 유사성이 바로 융이 노자도덕경의 영향을 받은 때문이라고 속단할 수는 없고 오히려 고대그리스 철학, 중세 자연철학자들의 사상에 깊은 통찰을 가진 융 자신의 무의식에서 올라온 관념의 표현이라고 생각해 본다.

The Red Book contains C.G. Jung's insightful comment on life suggesting the thoughts of the Eastern philosophers, particularly that of Lao Zi. The author reviewed Jung's commentaries in the Red Book in comparison with Lao Zi Dao De Jing. Jung's comments on the image of despised Surpreme Being, on the Simplicity, the attitudes of 'the Spirit of the Depth' toward intellectual knowledges and speech, toward the small and the mockered one resemble to what Lao Zi spoke on Dao in his Dao De Jing. The 'good and evil' are regarded by both C.G. Jung and Lao Zi as two poles in one total psyche. The favorite words of Lao Zi : 'emptiness' or 'empty' are frequently mentioned in the Red Book. The investigation in this concern revealed that C.G. Jung, contrary to Lao Zi has applied the word 'emptiness' mostly as the opposite to the fullness. C.G. Jung's way of encountering with the darkest side of soul in the Hell and his bold confrontation to the authoritative person such as Philemon, above all, the intensity of his experiences in the state of the utmost tension between the opposites are extraordinarily impressive and somehow strange when regarded from traditional eastern way of behavior such as I-You relationship and the patterns of emotional life based on Confucian tradition. Confucius never talked about the prodigies, feasts of strength and disorders or spirits. Lao Zi never mentioned infernal cruelty. Noteworthy is however, both have enough experienced the cruelty of life and conflicts in the reality and what they spoke was not a process in search for solution but the final proposals for the solution of human agony. C.G. Jung was, like great shaman in central and East-Asia forced to go through inferno in his unique way and from these experiences obtained the insight which resembles not only to Lao Zi but also to wisdoms from the western philosophies and also from the Christianity.



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  14. Ulanov A(2013) : Madness and Creativity, A&M Univ Press, Texas.
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