Distributed Multimedia Scheduling in the Cloud

  • Received : 2015.02.17
  • Accepted : 2015.04.18
  • Published : 2015.03.31


Multimedia services in the cloud have become a popular trend in the big data environment. However, how to efficiently schedule a large number of multimedia services in the cloud is still an open and challengeable problem. Current cloud-based scheduling algorithms exist the following problems: 1) the content of the multimedia is ignored, and 2) the cloud platform is a known parameter, which makes current solutions are difficult to utilize practically. To resolve the above issues completely, in this work, we propose a novel distributed multimedia scheduling to satisfy the objectives: 1) Develop a general cloud-based multimedia scheduling model which is able to apply to different multimedia applications and service platforms; 2) Design a distributed scheduling algorithm in which each user makes a decision based on its local information without knowing the others' information; 3) The computational complexity of the proposed scheduling algorithm is low and it is asymptotically optimal in any case. Numerous simulations have demonstrated that the proposed scheduling can work well in all the cloud service environments.



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Cited by

  1. Algorithms for Efficient Digital Media Transmission over IoT and Cloud Networking vol.5, pp.1, 2015,