Predicting Atmospheric Concentrations of Benzene in the Southeast of Tehran using Artificial Neural Network

  • Received : 2014.07.08
  • Accepted : 2014.09.24
  • Published : 2015.03.31


Air pollution is a challenging issue in some of the large cities in developing countries. In this regard, data interpretation is one of the most important parts of air quality management. Several methods exist to analyze air quality; among these, we applied the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) methods to predict the hourly air concentration of benzene in 14 districts in the municipality of Tehran. Input data were hourly temperature, wind speed and relative humidity. Both methods determined reliable results. However, the RBF neural network performance was much closer to observed benzene data than the MLP neural network. The correlation determination resulted in 0.868 for MLP and 0.907 for RBF, while the Index of Agreement (IA) was 0.889 for MLP and 0.937 for RBF. The sensitivity analysis related to the MLP neural network indicated that the temperature had the greatest effect on prediction of benzene in comparison with the wind speed and humidity in the study area. The temperature was the most significant factor in benzene production because benzene is a volatile liquid.



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