The Research on Convergence Education Method of Architecture and Communication Using Film - Focused , a Documentary Film -

영화를 활용한 건축 및 의사소통의 융합 교육 방법 - 다큐멘터리 <말하는 건축가>를 중심으로 -

  • 남진숙 (동국대학교 다르마칼리지) ;
  • 변나향 (대한건축학회 건축연구소)
  • Received : 2015.10.12
  • Accepted : 2015.10.30
  • Published : 2015.11.30


This paper proposes a convergence education method that combines architecture and communication through a documentary film entitled the Talking Architecture. The purpose of this program is to propose a new teaching and learning method for architecture education and investigates what would be an effective method of communication for architects. As mentioned above, this paper proposes a teaching method and a model applicable to actual classes based on the Talking Architect. It is proved that the method can be used for various types of classes and fields such as architectural expression, architectural planning and designing, housing theory, building structure, building materials, and other subject matters. In addition, this paper explores how architects communicate as described in the film. The findings show the potential of integrity, negotiating capability, and the convergent method of thinking and communication between the humanities and architecture as a positive communication model for architects. This paper opens up the possibilities for convergence education in the field of engineering education through three key words: film, architecture, and communication. And this paper is worth in that it is a useful method for developing convergence courses and team-teaching courses.



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