교회공간 예배실의 위치적 기능에 따른 마감재 적용 연구

A Study on the Application of Finishing Materials According to the Locational Function of the Chapel in Church Space

  • 여미 (경성대학교 일반대학원 디지털디자인학과) ;
  • 이창노 (경성대학교 멀티미디어대학 인테리어디자인학과)
  • 투고 : 2014.11.29
  • 심사 : 2015.01.16
  • 발행 : 2015.02.28


This study has the main objective of being of help as a reference data for the application of the finishing materials when designing the interior of the chapel of the church space through analysis of the finishing materials against the chapels of church space which has complex function. As precedent studies for this, the composition of the function and concept of the church space was surveyed and the complex function of the church space was surveyed. The theoretical surveyed was performed according to the casual composition, behavior of the community and role and location of the duties of the church members. The case objects were 10 chapels constructed by 5 professional interior design companies. The content of the analysis was the finishing materials in the chapels and their application characteristics. The detailed considerations to be referred to when designing the interior of the chapels of church space in the future were proposed. The analysis result of the application of the finishing materials according to the locational function of the chapels of church space can be explained as follows. First, the platform area was the characteristic of applying finishing materials which induce visual immersion. As for the floor materials in the platform, in order to minimize the floor sound and vibration phenomenon occurring during movements, noise insulation and dust protection rubber sheet was place and on top of it the floor or the carpet was placed. Second, the Choir area had the difficult problem of having to consider the appropriate sound absorption occurring due to the proliferation of sound and performance of classical instruments at the same time. However, in the case, this problem was solved through the sculptures of convex shape. Third, since the scheelite is a space where many people move around, the finishing material which absorbs sound was mainly used. Fourth, the entrance area was composed of thick wall materials compared to other walls, and the sound absorption character was most significantly considered when applying the finishing material. Fifth, the broadcasting room was composed either in independent type or an open type and performed its function and the main finishing materials was transparent glass which was highest use frequency.



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