할당기법과 타부서치 알고리즘을 이용한 선박의 안벽배치 계획

Quay Wall Scheduling of Ships Using Assignment Method and Tabu Search Algorithm

  • 이상협 (현대중공업 융합기술연구소 공정 IT연구실) ;
  • 홍순익 (현대중공업 융합기술연구소 공정 IT연구실) ;
  • 하승진 (현대중공업 융합기술연구소 공정 IT연구실)
  • Lee, Sang Hyup (Production Process and IT Research Department, Convergence Technology Research Institute, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Hong, Soon Ik (Production Process and IT Research Department, Convergence Technology Research Institute, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Ha, Seung Jin (Production Process and IT Research Department, Convergence Technology Research Institute, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.)
  • 투고 : 2014.05.23
  • 심사 : 2014.12.12
  • 발행 : 2015.02.15


In shipbuling processes, a quay wall is a major resource for additional operations after an erection operation at dock. A quay wall is becoming a new bottleneck instead of docks, while ship types with long operation time at quay wall are increasing recently. We developed a quay wall scheduling algorithm for the quayside operations of ships in this paper. The objective function is to minimize the sum of not assigned days of ships which have to be assigned to any quay wall under limited numbers of quay walls. The scheduling algorithm is based on an assignment method to assign each ship to a quay wall among its alternative quay walls at the time of launching or moving to another quay wall. The scheduling algorithm is also using Tabu Search algorithm to optimize assignment sequence of ships. The experiment shows that the algorithms in this paper are effective to make schedule of the quayside operations of ships.



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