A Study on the Optimal Use of Silent Discharge Type Ozonizer in Purification Plant

정수장의 무성방전형 오존발생기 최적활용방안에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2014.10.29
  • Accepted : 2015.01.09
  • Published : 2015.03.31


There are 5 purification plants with the adopted advanced water purification treatment process in Korea. Annual operating costs were 8,990 million won including purchase cost of oxygen and power usage charges. We need research to optimize, in the future, when considering the direction of domestic water treatment continues to adopt advanced water treatment process. In this paper, calculate the optimal operating costs by injected the oxygen gas, used power cost. approximately 25% of the operating costs can be reduced when injected the ozone gas is 1.0ppm than 2.0ppm, the necessary amount of oxygen is increased then power is lower. so operating costs are decided according to oxygen costs. On the other hand, high ozone concentration 2.0ppm, the necessary power is increased then amount of oxygen is lower. Therefore, in the case of G purification plant, the controlling factor of the input ozone concentration 2ppm, PID control operation by setting the concentration of over 10Wt% is efficient. The installed capacity is the more little the more better when considering on Ozone injection rate in the process of water treatment.



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