In this study, to investigate the feasibility of malodorous substance and organic matter removal by digest sludge in sewage treatment plants, ammonia, methyl mercaptan(MMC), and hydrogen sulfide($H_2S$) in a reactor submerged with BIO-CLOD(BIO-CLOD) and a reactor not submerged with BIO-CLOD(Non BIO-CLOD) were measured at 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours after the submergence of BIO-CLOD. Whereas the reactor in which BIO-CLOD was submerged showed an ammonia removal rate of 48% and high $H_2S$ and MMC removal rates exceeding 98% in 24 hours, the reactor in which BIO-CLOD was not submerged showed an ammonia removal rate of 45%, an $H_2S$ removal rate of 71%, and an MMC removal rate of 84% in 24 hours indicating the possibility of removal of malodor using BIO-CLOD. A nitrification was shown in which ammonia concentrations decreased over time while nitrate nitrogen concentrations increased and sulfur based malodor components were oxidation decomposed indicating that BIO-CLOD had effects to increase sulfate concentrations in the solution and that sulfate concentration increases and atmospheric $H_2S$ removal rates were correlated with each other. With regard to decreases in organic matter in reactor effluents, BIO-CLOD did not affect in a short period of time and when reactors were operated with HRT 12 hours and HRT 24 hours, HRT 12 hours was considered desirable in terms of economy.
본 연구에서는 하수처리장의 소화슬러지(digest sludge)를 대상으로 악취제거 및 유기물제거에 대한 타당성을 검토하고자 BIO-CLOD를 넣은 반응조와 넣지 않은 반응조에 대하여 24시간, 48시간, 72시간 후 ammonia, methyl mercaptan(MMC) 및 $H_2S$에 대해서 측정하였다. BIO-CLOD를 침적시킨 반응조(BIO-CLOD)에서 24시간 내에 ammonia는 48%인 것에 비해 $H_2S$와 MMC는 98%이상의 높은 제거율을 보인 반면에 BIO-CLOD를 침적시키지 않은 반응조(Non BIO-CLOD)에서는 24시간 내에 ammonia가 45%, $H_2S$는 71%, MMC는 84%로서 악취제거 가능성을 보였다. 암모니아 농도는 시간이 지남에 따라 감소하면서 질산성질소농도는 증가하는 질산화 현상을 보였으며, 소화슬러지내의 유황계 악취성분들이 호기성 미생물들에 의해 산화 분해되어 용액 중의 황산염농도를 증가시키는 데는 BIO-CLOD효과가 있었음을 알 수 있었으며, 황산염농도증가와 대기중의 $H_2S$ 제거율간에는 상관관계가 있음을 알수 있었다. 반응조 유출수에서 유기물의 감소는 짧은 시간 내에서는 BIO-CLOD가 영향을 주지 않았으며, HRT 12시간과 HRT 24시간으로 운전하였을 때 경제적인 면에서 HRT 12시간을 고려해야 할 것으로 판단되었다.