정보기술 비수용에 영향을 미치는 요인: 근거이론에 의한 접근

The Factors Influencing Information Technology Non-Acceptance: Approach by Grounded Theory

  • 투고 : 2015.12.10
  • 심사 : 2015.12.15
  • 발행 : 2015.12.30


Purpose: Traditionally, information technology acceptance have been considered one of the most important research issues. However non-acceptance, which was main objective of acceptance theories, have not been included in main research area by communities of information systems. This study is to identify the factors influencing non-acceptance of information technology and suggest a total research model for explaining the phenomena of non-acceptance. Design/methodology/approach: Grounded theory was adopted as a principal research method. which is an inductive technique of interpreting qualitative data about a social phenomenon to build theories about that phenomenon. Data were collected by depth interview and open question on potential non-adopters during 3 months. The collected data were coded by two main coding paradigm in ground theory, open coding and axis coding. Findings: Factors influencing non-acceptance, status quo, imitation, value evaluation, and concerning risk were extracted from open coding. These factors were integrated into system 1 thinking and system 2 thinking, which were from axis coding. More specifically, status quo and imitation are system 1 thinking which are more responsive and emotional thinking and value evaluation and concerning risk are system 2 thinking which are more rational and reasoning thinking.



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