남녀 청소년 소비자의 온라인 문제행동 차이에 대한 종단 분석

Gender Differences in Problematic Online Behavior of Adolescent Users over Time

  • 김정은 (매릴랜드 대학교 보건대학원 가족학과)
  • Kim, Jung Eun (Department of Family Science, School of Public Health, University of Maryland)
  • 투고 : 2015.07.31
  • 심사 : 2015.09.11
  • 발행 : 2015.12.30


This study identifies and tracks changes gender differences in adolescent users' problematic online behavior. This study used Korea Youth Panel Survey (KYPS), which has tracked respondents over 7 years, with self-control theory and social learning theory applied as a theoretical framework. The model included individual-level variables such as self-control and respondent's experience of problematic behavior (offline), as well as socialization variables such as the number close friends who engaged in problematic offline behavior, parent-child relationships, and parental monitoring. Dependent variables included problematic online behavior, unauthorized ID use (ID theft) and cyberbullying (cursing/insulting someone in a chat room or on a bulletin board). Control variables consisted of academic performance, time spent on a computer, monthly household income, and father's educational attainment. Random and fixed effects models were performed by gender. Results supported self-control theory even for the within-level analysis (fixed effects models) regardless of gender, while social learning theory was partially supported. Only peer effects were found significant (except for unauthorized ID use) among girls. Year dummy variables showed significant negative associations; however, academic performance and time spent using computers were significant in some models. Father's educational attainment and monthly household income were found insignificant, even in the random effects models. We also discuss implications and suggestions for future research and policy makers.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Differential Longitudinal Associations of Juvenile Status and Delinquent Offenses with Incidence of Software Piracy Among Adolescent Consumers vol.20, pp.3, 2015,