집중치료 후 증후군에 관한 개념분석

Concept Analysis of Post Intensive Care Syndrome

  • 투고 : 2015.12.04
  • 심사 : 2015.12.20
  • 발행 : 2015.12.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the attributes, antecedents, and consequences of post-intensive care syndrome. Methods: The study was conducted in accordance with Walker and Avant's conceptual analysis process. We searched the Medline, ProQuest, Google scholar, NANET (Korean National Assembly Library), and RISS (Korean Education and Research Information Service) databases resulting in 29 studies for in-depth review. Results: The attributes of post-intensive care syndrome include (1) new or worsening impairment persisting after discharge, (2) physical impairment, (3) psychological impairment, (4) cognitive impairment, and (5) symptom experience. The antecedents of the concept include a critical condition that requires intensive care, stressful events, immobility, sedation, delirium, insomnia, frailty, and invasive procedures. The consequences of post-intensive care syndrome are increased dependency in activities of daily life, decreased social interaction, delayed return to previous occupation, decreased quality of life, familial post-intensive care syndrome, and readmission/death. Conclusion: The concept of post-intensive care syndrome has multifaceted and integrative features. Further research needs to be conducted to develop a measurement tool that reflects the attributes of the concept and to develop multidisciplinary interventions to prevent post-intensive care syndrome.



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