고령임산부의 임신과 출산 건강관리 요구

Advanced Aged Women's Needs for Pregnancy and Childbirth Care

  • 투고 : 2015.12.03
  • 심사 : 2015.12.11
  • 발행 : 2015.12.20


Purpose: Advanced aged pregnancy may be related with health problems so that more aggressive health care is necessary for these women. This study aimed to provide the basic data for developing nursing intervention programs to enhance the health of pregnant women and their new-born babies and by identifying the advanced aged women's need for pregnancy and childbirth. Methods: It is the cross-sectional descriptive study to identify the advanced aged women's need on pregnancy and childbirth. Subjects were pregnant women 35 years or older and postpartum women. Total number of subjects was 95. Measurement tool is self-reporting survey that consisted of 67 items with four-point Likert scale, which was completed during October to November 2014. Results: Average score was 3.44 out of maximum 4 on the care need on pregnancy and childbirth. Average scores according to category were as follows: baby rearing and parental role, 3.55; preconception care, 3.49; delivery care, 3.47; postpartum care 3.42; and prenatal pregnancy, 3.39. The degree of needs on pregnancy and childbirth was different according to delivery experience (t=-2.49, p=.014). Conclusion: Prenatal and postpartum nursing interventions were completed regardless of pregnant women's age until now; however, new nursing intervention programs are necessary to prevent the risk of advanced aged pregnancy, to provide the preconception care, and to increase the infant care and family support.



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