농촌형 고령자 그룹홈의 사례와 제안

Design Planning of Group-Home for the elderly in Rural Area

  • 남윤철 (중부대학교 건축공학과)
  • 투고 : 2015.10.10
  • 심사 : 2015.11.23
  • 발행 : 2015.11.25


The elderly rate in South Korea in 2015 is over 13.1%. Especially, the elderly rate in rural area is high. Senior community project in rural that is being promoted by the government. This study's purpose is to provide the reserch group-home for the elderly in Japan rural area. And this paper provided planning of group-home for the elderly in Korea rural area. For this study, respective 5senior housing of Korea and Japan were chosen as respresenting two nations, and every manager was interviewed on housing pattern. This study suggests the planning material as following. First, the effectiveness of the group-home are big. Especially, the elderly was far healthier. Design point is public space(living room, small living room, etc). Maybe, healthy group-home concept is that would be design by Korean traditional housing. Also important public space design is that would be inner courtyard-house, wood floor, Deachong, etc. Two group-homes will construct elderly welfare facilities in between. Otherwise that is need layout of a big public space. In the case of vacant house can used by considering of scale, structure, site condition. Closed school can used through so easy remodeling too. More often than not complex type(hospital, community heath center) was appeared in Japan rural area. In the case of Korea, recommend complex type in community health center and public building. In this case, considering communication, access, contact, group-home keeps on ground floor. In this paper, we hope to take a lesson from group-home planning source for the elderly in Korea rural area.



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