Research on Management of Test of Proficiency in Koeran(TOPIK) for the disabled examinee

장애인을 위한 한국어능력시험(TOPIK) 운영 방법에 대한 연구 - 시각장애인 응시자를 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2013.12.15
  • Accepted : 2014.02.22
  • Published : 2014.03.01


The purpose of this research is to analyze the problems of the way of the 32th TOPIK(advanced)'s management for the disabled examinee and to prescribe the management of the TOPIK for them. Since the TOPIK started in 1997, the number of examinee who take it as a qualifying exam for the university entrance have gradually increased. The first disabled examinee who wants to use the result of the TOPIK for entrance into the post graduated university took the 32th TOPIK(advanced level). However, there was no examination regulations and detailed management method for the disabled. The biggest problem was the examinee could not have braille test and answer. The exam supervisor read all that is printed on the test sheet. It caused two big problems. 1) The essay question in writing test became an oral test. 2) The strategies of answering to multiple choice questions could not be used in vocabulary/grammar, writing, listening, and specially reading section. The first problem is occurred because writing and speaking have different cognitive process. The second one can be strongly related to the result in reading section. Above all, these disrupt accurate assessment of the examinee's writing and reading achievement. Therefore, this research insists the TOPIK needs to have the regulation and prescribe the management for the disabled. This research suggests 5 regulations for the blind examinee which covers the test time, supervisor, place and request of the examinee. These refer to the regulation for the disable in the other tests, such as the college scholarship ability test, TOEFL, TEPS, and a civil service exam.
