Effects of Self Study Circle Activity on Self-directed Learning Ability and Learning Attitude in Nursing Students

간호대학생의 자율적인 학습동아리 활동이 자기주도 학습능력과 학습태도에 미치는 효과

  • Cha, Nam Hyun (Department of Nursing, Health Science College, Kangwon University) ;
  • Kim, Yun Kyung (Department of Nursing, Suseong College)
  • 차남현 (강원대학교 보건과학대학 간호학과(도계)) ;
  • 김윤경 (수성대학교 간호학과)
  • Received : 2014.09.17
  • Accepted : 2014.11.11
  • Published : 2014.11.30


Purpose: This study investigates the effects of self-study circle activity on self-directed learning ability and learning attitude in nursing students. Methods: This research design is modeled on a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design conducted on 36 nursing students (exp.: 21, con.: 15). Data collection was performed from March 2 to July 20, 2013. Data were analyzed using ${\chi}2$-tests and t-tests via the SPSS Win 12.0 program package. The variables were self-directed learning ability and learning attitude. Results: The experimental group revealed significant differences in self-directed learning ability (p<.05) and physiology grade (p<.01) relative to the control group. In contrast, no significant differences between learning attitude were manifest between the two groups. Conclusion: It confirmed that study circle activity is effective in increasing self-directed learning ability in nursing students.



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