Multiple simultaneous cranial neuropathies occur rarely in diabetes patients. In general, diabetic cranial neuropathy presents in an isolated form and frequently involves oculomotor or facial nerves. We report a 73-year-old man with known type 2 diabetes mellitus who presented with severe dizziness, diplopia and third, fourth and sixth nerve ophthalmoplegia of both eyes. Radiological, laboratory and ophthalmic work-up including magnetic resonance imaging and angiography (MRI and MRA) revealed no specific tumor, aneurysm, or inflammation findings, except for a previous cerebral infarction and atherosclerotic changes in the internal carotid and vertebral arteries. After strict blood glucose control, the multiple cranial nerve palsies spontaneously resolved in 12 weeks. We report the case with a review of the literature.
당뇨병 환자에서 다발성 뇌신경병증은 매우 드문 질환이다. 이는 다른 원인으로 인한 질환을 배제함으로써 당뇨병성 신경병증의 하나로 진단할 수 있다. 저자들은 갑작스런 복시와 어지럼 및 외안근 마비를 보이는 73세의 당뇨병 환자에서 생긴, 다발성 뇌신경병증을 경험하여 문헌고찰과 함께 보고한다.