대학생의 소비행복 실천 수기의 질적분석과 함의

Qualitative Analysis of College Students' Essays on Their Practices of Consumption Happiness and Implications

  • 박미혜 (경희대학교 생활과학대학)
  • Park, Mi Hye (College of Human Ecology, Kyunghee University)
  • 투고 : 2014.08.13
  • 심사 : 2014.09.20
  • 발행 : 2014.10.31


This study is to analyze essays on the practices of consumption happiness which the students who took the class 'consumption and happiness' wrote. To do this, 108 essays which the students submitted in both semesters in 2013 were analyzed qualitatively. As a result, the 4 themes such as 'reflection on the life of consumption', 'practices', 'changes', 'recognized meanings of the class' were extracted. Firstly, some students were reflective on their acts of consumption in everyday life. They have consumed in an undisciplined, unthoughtful manner and have experienced various negative emotions in their consumption, and have the motive of change. Secondly, the study showed the consumption of clothes, eating, house, leisure, body, digital, wedding is variously included in their practices of consumption. In the category of common practices, 'sharing consumption giving a bigger happiness', 'sustainable consumption caring about the earth and the next generation', 'smart consumption through discipline', 'responsible consumption considering community and producer', 'field trips and consumption of experience as learning' are included, and 'meaningful feeling of happiness through practices' are extracted. Thirdly, they have experienced positive changes such as reduction in consumption desire and increased concern with mind, relationship and conscious consumption. Fourthly, students think of the class as a necessary, useful, practical subject, and have a precious opportunity to learn many aspects they don't think about before, and don't practice, and say that they persistently continue to practice. Therefore, to promote the happiness as a consumer and consumer citizen leader in the society, it's necessary to offer a related class in more universities.



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