A Case Study on Fathers' School Involvement Through the Use of Focus Group Interviews

집단면접조사를 통한 아버지 학교참여 사례 연구

  • Lee, Hyun Ah (Research Institute of Human Ecology, Seoul National University)
  • Received : 2014.07.15
  • Accepted : 2014.10.10
  • Published : 2014.10.31


Parents are one of the principal agents of education along with students and teachers. The father, who is also a member of the educational community, plays a role in and has responsibility for his children's education. But, in Korea, as mothers are largely responsible for the children's care and education, fathers' school involvement has not been treated as a research subject. However, changes in family structure and function have challenged the notion of the father's traditional role. Recently, the father who participates actively in the rearing and education of his child has emerged as a new trend of the father model. It has been proven through many studies that the father's involvement has unique positive effects on his children, a phenomenon known as the "father effect". This research investigates the father's school involvement through focus group interviews with fathers. The results showed that the father's school participation rate was not high, while the father's desire for school participation was very high. These results are explained by the situation of fathers having no time or pathway to participate in their children's school. In order to enable fathers' participation, leave for school participation needs to be implemented and the development of fathers' activities is necessary. A father education program is needed to bring about changes resulting in fathers' greater participation in their children's education. This study suggests policy implications for supporting fathers' school involvement.



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