As a continuing work of previously conducted standard tension tests, full-scale flexural tests were conducted in this study to assess the structural performance the CJP groove welded joints connecting thick HSA800 plates. Two welding electrodes were available at the time of this experimental research; one was GMAW-based electrode A and the other FCAW-based electrode B. Three full-scale box-type beam specimens with single bevel- and V-groove CJP welded joints were fabricated from 60mm and 25mm thick HSA800 plates according to the AWS-prequalified groove welded joint details. In designing the specimens, all possible limit states like local and lateral torsional buckling were carefully controlled in order to induce flexural plastic yielding or eventual joint fracture. All the CJP joints made by both welding electrodes showed satisfactory performance and were able to transfer the tensile flange forces higher than that corresponding to the measured tensile strength of HSA800 flange plates. However, it should be noted that, during fabrication, serious concerns about the welding efficiency and workability of the GMAW-based electrode were raised by a certified welder. The fracture occurred at the unbeveled (or vertical) interface between the weldment and the base metal when the GMAW-based electrode was used in the single-bevel joint, implying the possibility of insufficient melting. Thus, the FCAW-based electrode B is again recommended as the choice of welding electrode for HSA800 plates. The limited test data of this study implies that the V-groove CJP joint should be used in favor of the single bevel CJP joint, if possible.
본 연구에서는 HSA800 후판 강재에 적합한 용접재를 선정하고자 휨-인장실험을 수행하였다. 본 연구 수행 당시 HSA800 강재에 적용가능한 용접재로 GMAW 용접재(외국산)와 FCAW 용접재(국내산) 두 가지가 추천되어 이들을 사용하였다. 선행연구인 표준인장실험 결과를 바탕으로 맞댐용접상세와 루트간격을 주요 실험변수로하여 실물크기의 보 실험을 통해 용접부의 성능을 평가하였다. 강도 측면에서 모멘트 및 플랜지 축력 전달에 대한 조건은 두 용접재 모두 만족하였으나 연성능력 측면에서 GMAW 용접재보다는 FCAW 용접재가 일관되고 우수한 거동을 보임이 실험적으로 확인되었다. 특히 GMAW 용접재는 용접효율과 작업성의 문제로 현장에서의 상향용접이 어려운 것으로 파악되었다. 같은 완전용입용접이라도 Single bevel보다는 V-groove가 안정적인 구조거동을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 표준인장실험결과와 휨-인장실험결과를 토대로 HSA800 후판재의 용접상세 및 용접재를 제시하였다.