가압중수로 증기발생기의 경년열화 관리를 위한 안전성 평가 시스템 개발

Development of a Safety Assessment System on Aging Management in Existing CANDU Steam Generators

  • 발행 : 2014.06.30


Since steam generator (SG) tubes are located in the boundary between the primary and secondary systems of nuclear power plant (NPP), the SG is one of the most important components in the aspects of the safety of NPP. The magnetite ($Fe_30_4$) deposition, so-called fouling, is generally known as a major aging mechanism of CANDU SGs, and this aging mechanism makes the heat transfer efficiency between the primary and secondary systems of NPP reduced. Therefore, the development of SG safety assessment system which can evaluate the effect of the SG aging degradation mechanism should be needed for safety of NPP. In this study, through the suggestion of the guideline for SG safety assessment, it is possible to strengthen the basic of establishing the effective SG aging management technique. The SG safety assessment is carried out by CATHENA(Canadian Algorithm for THErmalhydraulic Network Analysis). It is possible to determine the integrity of SGs by identifying the main safety parameters which can be changed by the aging degradation of CANDU SGs.



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