Optical Manipulation of Droplets in a Microfluidic Platform

미세 유체 플랫폼에서의 광력을 이용한 액적의 연속적인 제어 기술의 개발

  • Received : 2014.07.20
  • Accepted : 2014.08.27
  • Published : 2014.08.31


In the present study, the optofluidic droplet manipulation in a microfluidic platform was demonstrated via theoretical and experimental approaches. Optical scattering force and gradient force were used to separate and trap droplets. Two types of droplets were generated by a T-junction method in the microfluidic channel. While they approach a test region where the optical beam illuminates the droplets, they were pushed by the optical scattering beam. The displacement by the laser beam is dependent on the refractive index of the droplets. By using the optical gradient force, the droplets can be trapped and coalesced. In order to bring the droplets in a direct contact, the optical gradient force was used to trap the droplets. A theoretical modeling of the coalescence was derived by combining the optical force and drag force on the droplet.



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